
Music is a natural form of expression in the development of children and can be an integral part of the school curriculum from elementary through high school. Hawaiian Elementary offers a music program with aesthetic, creative, cultural, and academic values that complete and further a quality education's educational and social values. The Hawaiian Elementary music program is responsible for assisting in discovering and nurturing musical talent. Every child can develop their potential for musical expression through exploration, experimentation, exposure, and enrichment.


Hawaiian Elementary offers three bands: level 1 (beginning Band), Level 2 (2nd year players), and Level 3 (3rd year players).


Instrumentation that is offered:


Flute, Clarinet, & Alto Saxophone



Trumpet, Trombone, & Baritone



Concert Snare Drum, Bass Drum & Auxiliary Percussion


The Goals for the Hawaiian Elementary Music Program is:

  1. To develop student understanding and appreciation of the various types, styles, and forms of music which can be beneficial during an entire lifetime
  2. To develop better citizenship. Music participation emphasizes the ability to work with others as a member of a team. It teaches the importance of a cooperative effort, acceptance of leadership, acceptance of differences, and the need for self-discipline and responsibility.
  3. To make students aware of the possibilities music offers as a career or vocation.
  4. To contribute to help broaden the cultural life of our community.
  5. Our performing groups should strive to perform at the highest artistic level consistent with the experience and maturity of the group.
Questions or Comments? Interested in band?
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